Thursday, August 12, 2010

Road Trip

Avery and I traveled with my mom and my grandparents up to Michigan to visit family and meet up with my sister on her way back to Texas from summer grad school. I took a ton of pics, but these are just some highlights of our time there.
Aunt Michelle was SO glad to see Avery again after 2 months away.
Avery loved Debbie and Debbie's phone.
She played with doggies.
She ran off some energy at the park.
post-slide static
Hi, Cheryl! Are you going to help me down off the deck?
We visited Calder's Dairy, where Avery...
Drove a dairy truck...
And chased the ducks and geese
And saw some goats
And baby cows, who were very friendly...
And bigger cows, all lined up...
Had some farm-made ice cream...

And saw a newly born calf while his momma worked on finishing up those pesky afterbirth contractions.
We played in Lake Erie
And met Loretta, who took formerly cranky Avery on a walk
And then she was so happy to be home finally.
We only had one meltdown, on our last night in Michigan, so I'd call this trip a success. And when I say meltdown, I mean an hour and a half of crying, with 20-30 minutes of solid screaming, like someone was beating her. She threw her body all over that pack 'n play and then all of a sudden it was quiet. She fell asleep and woke up happy.


Maegan said...

Wow, Michigan! That's a long way from Texas. Did y'all fly or drive?

Meghann said...

Drove, and oh my am I not doing that again for awhile! It's a 25 hour drive, and we broke it up into 3 days so we could stop earlier at night for Avery. She was really good, considering the long hours, but still way crankier than I'm used to at home.