16 lbs 1.2 oz (75th percentile)
26" (75th percentile)
(This makes him only 1/2 lb smaller than his 7 month old cousin Miles.)
- moved to his crib in his own room
- woke up twice a night for almost 3 weeks. I was exhausted. In the past week he's gone to sleeping 12 hours straight pretty consistently. Occasionally he'll wake around 5 or 6 to nurse and will go back down for a few more hours.
- usually naps for about 2 hours in the morning, and 3.5-4 hr naps in the afternoon now that he's in his crib. I usually have to wake him in the afternoons so that he will go to bed at a decent hour.
- will sometimes fuss for a couple minutes before falling asleep (as opposed to Eleanor, who could scream for an hour if we let her). I can also just lay him down awake and shut the door and he'll drift off on his own. I'm not taking this for granted.
- loves to stand on our laps - he's so strong!!
- coos and smiles while he's nursing, take frequent breaks to just tell me stories
- is in 3-6 month clothes mostly. His 3 month pjs are snug, and some weeks I feel like I'm tossing clothes to the too-small bin on a daily basis.
- adores his sisters. Every night at dinner he lays in his little rocker bed next to Avery and stare and smile at her. It's precious.
- still refuses the bottle, but we haven't tried very hard to make him take one. I really love nursing, but I'd also really love to go on a date.
- my hair has been falling out in handfuls. Because of this, my hair is always in a ponytail.
- eats every 3-4 hours during the day, and a little more frequently right before bedtime
- loves taking a bath.
- likes to be worn and will settle down into a catnap every single time.
- dressed like a cow for free Chick-fil-a...he was very popular with the employees
- met his great-aunt Jen and great-uncle Dave this month, as well as my cousins, all visiting from Iowa.
- rolled onto his side
- found his thumb and I frequently find him sucking on it to calm himself or fall asleep
- enjoys tummy time for longer periods of time
- scoots scoots scoots when he's laying on a blanket or in his crib. For the past week he has done a 180 in bed, facing a different wall than when I put him to sleep.
- often gets a foot caught between the crib bars
- heard a song he liked when we were picking up some new baby toys for him, so that toy came home with us since it elicited a smile from him.
- still starts naps and bedtime in a swaddle but we always find him completely undone. Tonight he went down with one arm free, so we'll see how that works before fully taking the swaddle away.
- is the happiest, most smiley baby ever. People always comment on this, and it's such a treat to see him enjoying everything around him.