Sunday, January 21, 2007


1. To lose weight and get in shape.

Isn't that everyone's resolution at the start of each new year? Ours is a little delayed in starting, due to traveling, ice storms, and a little laziness. So, Luke and I started training today for a half-marathon. My goal is to eventually run a full marathon, but baby steps people, baby steps. We have a schedule made up, and we ran, or rather we walked with some jogging thrown in there, 4 miles today. Not bad for me! Luke barely broke a sweat though. Molly needed exercise after being cooped up inside for a week, so we dragged her along with us. When we finally made it home, I think she was actually mad that we took her that far, and this dog never runs out of energy. She wouldn't come inside - just glared at us and flopped on the grass. At least that's my interpretation - she's hard to read.

My legs are going to ache tomorrow! But at least I have nice new running shoes.

2. Get involved in a church here in Austin and meet people.

We have started attending All-Saints Presbyterian, and we really like it. The preaching style is a little different than what we're used to at Redeemer in Waco, but the message is always good. I've been praying that we'd meet some people here in Austin, and we sat next to a very nice couple today...the guy is the RUF intern for UT, and his wife was really sweet. We also met a nice man walking to our car today. It'll take some time, because it's hard for me to get out there and meet new people. But God is gracious, and I thank Him for the little things like this. Praise God it was sunny today too! First time in a week. I think everyone was in a good mood because of it.

More to come about our endeavors in marathon training. I must be crazy!

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