Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Junior Ag Day

During our recent visit to Navasota to see my parents, Avery and I took a trip to the fairgrounds for Junior Ag Day, where my mom was working with her Master Gardener's group. We saw so many great animals! And then we Purell-ed and washed our hands immediately after.

Baby ostriches - one of them was only 4 days old, I think. Maybe it was 2 days? A friend of my mom's raises ostriches, but she sells them to another gal who hatches the eggs.

We loved the baby alpaca! The owners said that they had the mom trained to keep the baby on the far side from predators at all times, including them (the owners).

So cute!!

Avery wasn't too impressed with the chicks. Or she was hot. Either way, not even a smile.

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